The restaurant

The most delicious food in town. This is what we aspire to offer at the restaurant of Shedia Home. And we do not mean to sound competitive, it is about the desire, the vision to make the dishes delectable so they can satisfy even the most demanding of our guests.

Our menu is characterized by what we like to call “a taste of mum’s cooking” and has been designed by Greece’s top, Michelin star chef Mr Lefteris Lazarou and his associate Mr Yiannis Ifandidis. In fact, despite his busy schedule, the award-winning chef not only offered his valuable advice on how to set the ideal Shedia Home restaurant, but he also undertook the noble task of training our Home’s cooks.

Nikos (aged 62, the oldest in the group), Olena, Haralambos, Monica and Aris started from scratch and, under the guidance of Yianns Ifandidis and the assistance of Kevin Rabank and Apostolos Giovaras (two more great chefs that have supported us from the beginning of our endeavour), today they create exquisite dishes.

“The only requirement from our prospective staff was knowing how to boil and egg, how to boil water! It (i.e. providing training) wasn’t an easy task but their effort and attitude were really touching. They loved and embraced the project, and this became evident. It took a lot of effort but there were also lots of smiles,” Mr. Lefteris Lazarou says.

That was indeed one of the selection criteria when it came to recruiting the people who would work in the kitchen of Shedia Home. To be part of the team, it was required for them “to have boiled an egg in their lifetime” and desire to work. Another criterion was being over the age of 50 but we were never too strict regarding this criterion, yet the truth is that being a solidarity organisation we are particularly sensitive towards people over 50, since it seems that the labour market and indeed life itself have turned their backs on them.

And here we are, after months of training and effort, the people came to cook delicious food for even the fussiest of eaters.

Our kitchen is a living organism that keeps evolving. New, seasonal dishes are constantly added to our menu elevating it to new levels. Of course, we always make sure that our dishes are affordable for everyone, despite the fact that the milks, eggs and chicken are from organic farming and therefore more expensive.

“Our main focus is the nutritional value of the dish and also the ingredients, which will make for a very satisfying but also filling experience. Our goal is not to create a restaurant where people come to drink lots of wine and eat huge amounts of food. Our goal is to create an atmosphere where people will relax, be aware of what it is that we do, enjoy a dish and a glass of wine. All this at the lowest possible cost. The criteria behind designing the menu were to offer food and awake memories of home-cooked meals.”

As environmental protection and social service are part of every aspect of this endeavour, any unsold food is given to our Shedia street vendors while the oil used in cooking is collected and taken to Prasino Ladi (Green Oil), a company that produces biodiesel. Naturally, a recycling system is in place as we strive to become a model social enterprise with the smallest possible environmental footprint.


  Kolokotroni 56, 10560 Athens
210 331 6849

Opening hours
Monday – Sunday: 08:00 a.m. till 21:00.

For reservations please call 210 331 6849 or contact us using our email

Our Menu Take Away Menu